there's a bug in macSonoma where the system forgets my personal key commands together with an "Arrow", for example "go to next tab" in Safari is ctrl+option+right arrow. From one day to another the arrow in the key command entry list was deleted.
So I use BTT. I asked ChatGPT to write me an Apple Script, but it is not working and I am unused to code, that I want to ask you here in the Forum.
property direction : "next" -- oder "previous"
on run
tell application "Safari"
set currentTabIndex to index of current tab of front window
set tabCount to number of tabs in front window
if direction is "next" then
if currentTabIndex < tabCount then
set index of current tab of front window to (currentTabIndex + 1)
-- Zum ersten Tab springen, wenn am Ende der Liste
set current tab of front window to tab 1 of front window
end if
else if direction is "previous" then
if currentTabIndex > 1 then
set index of current tab of front window to (currentTabIndex - 1)
-- Zum letzten Tab springen, wenn am Anfang der Liste
set current tab of front window to tab tabCount of front window
end if
end if
end tell
end run