HyperKey as LeaderKey

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can HyperKey be used as a LeaderKey so as to press only HyperKey then another key and it is assigned to an action ?

You can use any key as "Leader key".

Here is a simple example that uses right-cmd. It will block keyboard input while right-cmd is pressed but still allow key sequences. The example preset contains a double-tap a sequence that shows a hud.

right-cmd_leader.bttpreset (7.7 KB)

The key sequence has an advanced trigger condition added that checks whether right-cmd is pressed (" currently_pressed_keyboard_keys CONTAINS "54,""

If you do not want to keep cmd pressed, you can instead remove the

//edit, ah you don't want to keep a key pressed? In that case do it like this:
leader_without_keeping_pressed.bttpreset (7.9 KB)

1.) Start leader key mode (block keyboard input and set a variable)
2.) define your key sequences, add an advanced trigger condition to only trigger if LeaderEnabled is true. Make sure to stop blocking keyboard input when your action is executed.

@ageorgios Such “systems” sound great when you discover them. And the man in the video sells it wonderfully. But I'm afraid you'll realize at some point that it doesn't work in the long run. The more key sequences you have, the less you will remember them all. Even if you get the best “system” in the world.

Therefore: Also consider doing this with floating menus. If you don't need the visual aid, fine, just type without looking. But if you need it, it's there. And you will need it at some point.

Just saying :slightly_smiling_face:

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