I'm trying to activate a context-sensitive menu item (bound to a key press). I've tried it by name and it doesn't work, suggesting that this app doesn't support that. But I do manage to get the context menu to come up. So I'd like to fake it by sending it the right number of arrow keys (and then a return? or a click?) to get to the right option. I can't seem to figure out how to tell it to send 4 down-arrows, a right arrow, and a return - can anyone point me to an example of specifying a chain of arrow presses like that?
that looks perfect - how did you get it? I've been messing around in the interface for a while and I just don't see how you get there. Here's what I see:
are you intentionally using a very old version of BTT / the old user interface?
I'm using the version that works with my Mac (10.14), and was using the old interface. I'm now looking at the new interface. I think it's "attach additional action", right? But I don't see where to specify the down/right keys in the dropdown menu.
the first item in the menu you have open "send keyboard shortcut"
Aha! bingo, I found it. But, it doesn't seem to be doing anything - I put in several arrow presses in a row and I don't see anything happening after the context menu comes up. If I press arrow buttons on the keyboard manually, I see the blue highlighting march down the menu like it should. But the BT-specified arrow presses don't seem to work. Am I missing something else?
if that doesn't work you might be out of luck for that app.
You could try adding some delay inbetween the key presses (via the "delay next action" action), for some apps that might help
hmm I'm not sure it's even doing the very first one. Is it really possible that some apps just cannot be controlled with BT in any way - simulating key clicks or mouse movements - how is that possible, if I can do it with the real keyboard mouse, why can't BT simulate that? Not using hooks into the app (which may not exist) but just simulate the user actions? how can the app tell the difference?