How to "Reset ChatGPT History"?

I just found the "Transform & Replace Selection with ChatGPT" action in BTT under the "Artificial Intelligence" category. I have added it to a new "Menu Bar Item" under "Automations & Named & Other Triggers".

I'm potentially interested in increasing the "Number of previous requests to include" to a higher number than 0. However, presumably I would have to use the "Reset ChatGPT History" BTT action to reset the reuqests when I want to start a new conversation with a fresh context.

However, I think I've been unable to get "Reset ChatGPT History" to work. When I query GPT via the "Transform & Replace Selection with ChatGPT" action (having therein removed the default "User Prompt" to change letter casing, and instead have it ask me each time what to do), after clicking the "Reset ChatGPT History" Menu Bar Item, I ask it if this is my first request, and it will say "No, this is your second request" … "third" … "fourth"… etc. Thus I am unsure if the "Reset ChatGPT History" Menu Bar Item actually resets the history (what I interpret to be the "Number of previous requests to include"). Perhaps history and previous requests to include are not the same thing. If so, how do I reset the number of previous requests to include when I want to create a new conversation?

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