How to remove Raycast or spotlight not get affected by my keyboard shortcut

App like Raycast or spotlight don't take focus of any other apps and hover can't be used as I want to use keyboard with raycast/ spotlight so how I can make the shortcut ignore raycast or spolight
Here is my setup
Finder_export.bttpreset (31.9 KB)

Have you checked the conditional activation group feature Trigger Conditions & Conditional Activation Groups · GitBook ?

Could you please give a real-world example?

So, I have 3 keyboard shortcut for Finder

First Set:

return→ ⌘ ↓

delete→ ⌘ ↑

⇧ return→ rename hotkey(made in system setting)

I want above to triggered only when

  1. Typing is not happening
  2. App like spotlight or raycast don’t get affected; or say Finder is in focus

(let’s say I am in Finder and just envoked Spotlight then above shortcut key follow here too)

Second Set

Also, I have setup


delete→ delete

⇧ return→ ⇧ return

I want it to work as it is when

  1. Typing happening
  2. Raycast and Spotlight to be able to use return or delete key as intended or say Finder is not in focus

So, I got it working with this setup but there is one issue, holding delete key won't keep deleting, it stop at deleting 1 character, I don't know why is that

I'm not sure, but have you checked "Repeat assigned action while pressing" ?