I'm using key sequence triggers with modifier keys, such as the Command key (⌘).
Each trigger itself works well, but I'm struggling to find a way to prevent it from getting triggered when the modifier key is pressed with some other keys, such as ⌘+W (for closing), ⌘+C (for copying), ⌘+V (for pasting), etc.
I have tried "Order is Relevant", but I am having the same issue, even with a quite short Max pause between keystrokes (0.15 secs).
Actually, I had tried (and just re-tried) setting up a dummy ⌘+C trigger (with a meaningless action) to catch that event, but I'm observing the same behavior (still the ⌘ action got triggered and the selected text was copied as well).
And, I'm also experiencing the same behavior with the "Trigger only if no further keyboard input is recognized for X seconds" option (I notice the delay before the action, so I believe it is set up correctly).
So you have set up a key sequence ⌘ down, ⌘ up.
And this key sequence is also triggered when you press ⌘+c?
Yes, this was what I was experiencing. ⌘+C triggered both the BTT action (for ⌘) and copying.
In fact, it may not have been a deterministic behavior, though. Sometimes I had this issue, but sometimes I didn't. I originally thought it was conditional on how laggy my macOS was, but at the moment, I'm not having this issue again after modifying and deleting a few deactivated key sequence triggers for taking a screenshot.
Ok, just to clarify. If you have set up ⌘+c as a key sequence, then this will be triggered, but so will the copy command of the shortcut. If you do not want this, you must set up “does nothing” for the shortcut, i.e. no action.
But anyway, I don't understand how the shortcut ⌘+c can trigger the key sequence ⌘ down, ⌘ up. If a letter is typed between ⌘ down/up, the key sequence should not work. If it does for you, I'm afraid I don't know what's wrong.