How to launch url Chrome

Hi is there a way to launch an URL on chrome with a hotkey? I keep having to hit the tabs and I realize I just need a launcher to bring up the program I always use via an URL. Thanks!

Please reply. Thank you

One of the actions is "Open URL / Open URL With Selection"

You can find it by putting URL in the search field of the action menu.

This is the best one to use if you are not needing to open that same page multiple times a day.

Another good way is to use an AppleScript action with a script like the answer here.* This is good if you don't want to open multiple tabs if there is a tab for that location that is already open.

*Here's the code from that page that I modified to just open the page if it can't find it. Just change the two YOURWEBSITEHEREs to what you need.

tell application "Google Chrome"
    set win_List to every window
    set win_MatchList to {}
    set tab_MatchList to {}
    set tab_NameMatchList to {}
    set searchString to {"YOURWEBSITEHERE"}

    repeat with win in win_List
        set tab_list to every tab of win
        repeat with t in tab_list
            if searchString is in (title of t as string) then
                set end of win_MatchList to win
                set end of tab_MatchList to t
                set end of tab_NameMatchList to (id of win as string) & ".  " & (title of t as string)
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat
    if (count of tab_MatchList) is equal to 1 then
        set w to item 1 of win_MatchList
        set index of w to 1
        my setActiveTabIndex(t, searchString)
    else if (count of tab_MatchList) is equal to 0 then
else if (count of tab_MatchList) is equal to 0 then
		tell application "Google Chrome" to open location "https://YOURWEBSITEADDRESSHERE"
	else        set which_Tab to choose from list of tab_NameMatchList with prompt "The following Tabs matched, please select one:"
        if which_Tab is not equal to false then
            set oldDelims to (get AppleScript's text item delimiters)
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
            set tmp to text items of (which_Tab as string)
            set w to (item 1 of tmp) as integer
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
            set index of window id w to 1
            my setActiveTabIndex(t, searchString)
        end if
    end if
end tell

on setActiveTabIndex(t, searchString)
    tell application "Google Chrome"
        set i to 0
        repeat with t in tabs of front window
            set i to i + 1
            if title of t contains searchString then
                set active tab index of front window to i
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
end setActiveTabIndex