How many of these tweaks can you reproduce with BTT ?

There is this cool app Supercharge by awesome Sindre Sorhus. It offers extensive set of tweaks and customisations.

How many of them can we reproduce with BTT ? Let's see.

Quit apps with ⇧⌘Q instead of ⌘Q

Doable. I suppose.

Quit frontmost (frontmost = focused + raised ?) window with AppleScript.

Cmd + Q -> Do Nothing

But then we need a new keyboard shortcut for logout.

Move files with cut and paste

Restricted to Finder only.

  • ⌘+ X -> Send keyboard shortcut -> ⌘C (Or trigger menubar menuitem)

    • Assign/Set value for variable (ItemCut=1)
  • ⌘ +V

If itemCut=1 
      - Send keyboard shortcut to Finder ⌥+ ⌘ + V ? 
      - Default action or do nothing
end if

- Assign/Set value for variable (ItemCut=0)

Instead of sending keyboard command, triggering menubar menu item takes are of item being selected. Cut is available in edit. Needs to activate it.

Haven't tested, but doable I think.

Move files to trash with Delete key instead of

Open files with Return key

This I don't think Possible. It has to be Finder specific. And even then it corrupts "Return" key action in other places like File selection window. Sidebar etc. Not sure why ?

Create new plain text file with Option+N

A simple Execute Terminal command (async) will do it. Consecutive press will make untiled1, untiled2 and so on.

filePath="{BTTFinderContextMenuTargetPath}/untitled";fileNo=1;while [ -f "${filePath}" ];do filePath="{BTTFinderContextMenuTargetPath}/untitled${fileNo}";fileNo=$((fileNo+1));done;touch "${filePath}"

Close Window with right click/middle in Mission Control

This is upcoming feature.

Can be done with advanced condition. missioncontrol_active=1

Finder Context Menu Items

All easily doable except Image dimension. Is there any way Finder context menu can be made conditional in BTT? Like On files only? Empty area only ? Images only ? Supercharge does this effectively.

Hide/Minimize app when clicking on the dock

Somewhat complex. Because it involves unhide/unminimize of app or app of multiple windows. Achieved it javascript! Works great no lag. Hides with normal left click. Middle click minimizes.