I have configured a BTT shortcut to schedule time to send an email with Microsoft Outlook.
When activating this feature, the popup window below opens up.
The time suggested is usually ok for me, so I only need to click "Aceptar" button.
I would like to automate this step too, but I don't know how.
I tried using "tab" key then pressing "enter", but the tab key does not work in this popup.
Is there any action in BTT that I could use to click the button?
Thanks Frank. The position changes, depending on where the window of the email is at that moment.
Wow! I didn't know about the image recognition feature!! It's awesome, I'm trying it now.
Thanks a lot
Hey @superapp, for me the tab works (Outlook v16.93.2 (25012611) and macOS 14.7.2 (23H311) ), however in order tab to work, the following macOS config should be enabled: