It is possible to configure a floating menu to be shown when the mouse cursor is still, but hide it while the mouse cursor is moving?
If it's possible, how I should do it?
It is possible to configure a floating menu to be shown when the mouse cursor is still, but hide it while the mouse cursor is moving?
If it's possible, how I should do it?
There are currently no triggers for this, it would require a constant monitoring of mouse movements.
Could you describe your use case a bit?
Yes, of course.
I have the menubar configured to hide automatically.
I have an small FM in the top of the screen that shows the name of the frontmost app. This small FM has no actions assigned, it's just for show me what is the frontmost app. The level of this FM is 24, so it's hidden when the menubar is shown.
All this behaviour is a perfect setup to me.
The only "problem" I would like to solve is that sometimes this small FM is covering something I want to see. In this case, I think moving the mouse will be a perfect trigger to hide the FM for a while, to see what is below the FM.
As example, this is a screenshot of a maximized TextEdit window with this FM at the top. The name of the TextEdit file at the top of the TextEdit window is hidden below the FM that shows "TextEdit":