GoldenChaos stuck at Applying Settings

GoldenChaos has been stuck at Applying settings, please wait... since last 2 hours. This happened after I updated BTT to the latest version. I also tried moving to the Alpha version but the same issue persists.

Also, do I lose all my settings of GoldenChaos when I update the BTT?

Open the GoldenChaos-BTT settings window (Command + Option + Shift + P) and click “Check Settings”, it should refresh the GC Touch Bar display and get rid of that message :slight_smile:

And nope, you don’t lose any of your GC settings when upgrading BTT or GC!

Before I got your reply, I was trying to fix the issue and, in irritation, deleted the Golden Chaos preset and reinstalled it. What I loved here is even after deleting and reinstalling GC, all my settings were added again. Wow! Only a few custom settings I had done on BTT were not added. They are easy to add. Also, in trying to fix it, learnt about the two-finger scroll to change the volume. Thank you, @GoldenChaos. Appreciate your UI and coding skills. :heart_eyes:

"Check Settings" Used to fix it for me but doesn't anymore. I have completely reset my mac and since then permanently have that "apply settings, Please wait". Just where Spotify commands should be. Rest works fine but I definitely can't fix that one. Anyone would have an idea? Many thanks!

Were you able to solve this? I am having the same issue. Had a fresh install over the weekend and it's stuck on applying settings since. And the "Check Settings" button does not help in my case either.

No I couldn't. No idea how to fix this sorry.

I'm checking what's wrong, should have more details tomorrow.

To get rid of the "Applying Settings" you can execute this apple script:

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	update_trigger "F64CCCA5-39D9-46D0-A2D8-092515FFE83B" json "{\"BTTEnabled2\" : 0}"
end tell

E.g. via Apple's Script Editor app. However I'm not yet sure what's the underlying problem that causes this to happen.


I think the issue should be resolved with BTT 4.392 alpha (uploading now).
You'll need to delete & reimport the preset.