Goldenchaos disappeared after update to catalina

After I updated my OS, my touchbar went back to the regular one Goldenchaos is installed but it wont change anything. I tried reinstalling everything for no avail.

AM I missing something?

If you haven't, update to the latest version of Catalina and let me know if that fixes things. If you're on the latest version of Catalina, let me know and we'll go from there!

Hey, thanks for the prompt answer!

I just updated to the latest version, but nothing changed.

I'm not sure I should be activating something else inside BTT, the whole thing is too confusing to me. I might be missing something obvious

Same problem. Suddenly touchbar don't work on last macos.

also here not working for some time now, 10.15.1

@Andreas_Hegenberg I think this is a BTT issue. Any clue what the cause could be?

on macOS Catalina, „System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Touchbar shows“, needs to be set to "app controls"

If that is set and still nothing showing up , the touchbar is just hidden. In that case use the „toggles Bettertouchtool Touch Bar“ action to show it.

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That was it!

My dock is still a big confusing, though. It seems like its mixing GC stuff with regular BTT things. Is there a way I can reset it all so I can start from scratch?

Could you please help to explain it in more detail? Thanks in advance.