GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

Heads up for @Andreas_Hegenberg:
As the system button colour is a bit darker than the current BTT default, Could you make a slight tweak and match the BTT default button colour?

It’s getting quite tiring matching the buttons up, and for some reason I cant stand lighter greys..

yep, as I said mac default background is 3f3f3f, but BTT use 4b4b4b

I too use ESC much more than fullscreen, so I was always getting undesired behavior from the combo widget. My solution was to disable all the BTT-GC fullscreen/ESC widgets, reenable the standard ESC widget in BTT settings, and then move the fullscreen functionality as a long press on the Center Window and/or Maximize Window widgets (via a new Fullscreen trigger - similar to the Escape trigger). This seems more intuitive to me.

This is exactly what I did as well.

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@GoldenChaos: I prefer the new combo-button as I am mostly in vi/terminal. Thanks for the change and the improvements.

Only thing I am not able to get working are calendar events using icalBuddy. For me running 'icalBuddy eventsToday+5' on works. Running the same command on iTerm2 throws a SIGABRT. Not sure if this is a Mojave issue. If there is any way I can help debugging this, pls let me know.

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Play button doesn't change to "pause" on pause for me anymore (Spotify)

i have a button that toggles btt on/off, which does the trick

Working fine for me. Are you on the latest alpha?

yes, it works fine, but doesn't change an icon

The widget on the main screen only gets events happening today, and does not include all-day events, so that could be one reason. If you're not seeing events in the Calendar Actions widget though, then maybe try reinstalling icalBuddy. Other than that, I'm not sure, and icalBuddy seems to have a myriad of config issues on peoples' systems.

Might just be worth it to wait for the upcoming native calendar/reminders widgets in BTT. They're the last piece of the puzzle now!

No, I mean the icon changing works fine for me. The method by which this icon changes was updated in GC-BTT 2.626, so if you're not on BTT alpha 2.626 or higher it will not change properly.

The BTT is showing me that the 2.626 alpha version is the newest one but your preset is named "GoldenChaos-BTT 2.627". Is there a newer version of BTT that I'm missing? Will this version of the preset work with the BTT alpha 2.626?

Yes, there is a newer version, 2.627 is out :slight_smile:

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Okay, thank you :blush:,

I will try to re-install BTT then :joy:

Edit: Yup, re-installing BTT helped, now I have version 2.627.

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Ah, maybe it's for Mojave beta only atm? Are you on High Sierra?

EDIT: yay!

EDIT2: Also, I feel like we're getting close to the next stable version. Anyone feel the same way? Anything missing from this one, or major issues remaining?

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I've had one more issue with the "Now Playing" widget but it might also be caused by that I'm still using the High Sierra. Every time i short tap the title of the song/video on the touchbar it opens up iTunes even if the song was playing on Spotify or in Safari. Long-tapping the widget to open the advanced options on Spotify still opens iTunes for me.
But as I said, Now Playing widget is buggy on the High Sierra, idk if the same thing happens on Mojave

Just disable the "bring playing app to front when tapped" option:

If the current player is currently not available, BTT will use the default player (which by default is iTunes). If you don't want that behavior you can choose "No Default", then it will use the player that was active last.

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I'll change this setting to "No Default" in the next version, which I think will work more like most people expect.

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Thanks for your work! I'm having Now Playing problems as well: the Play/Pause icon doesn't switch from Play (though it causes iTunes to play or pause as appropriate), and sometimes the Previous, Next, and Play icons disappear (all at once and in various combinations), returning only when I restart BTT. (They remain checked.) I'm using 2.627 on 10.13.6.

Fixed, by reimporting and restarting the computer. Thank you!

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@GoldenChaos I'm getting insane energy usage on 2.627 (and -2 as well) caused by the previous/play pause/next buttons. If I make those buttons invisible, energy usage returns to normal. This issue appears to have been introduced in 2.627, since I reimported 2.626 and am not seeing the same behavior.