GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

GoldenChaos hides constantly and I have to click on "Your custom touchbar is currently hidden" in BTT to re-enable it. Is this normal behavior?

Definitely not normal, but I genuinely have no idea why that would be happening o_O perhaps @Andreas_Hegenberg knows.

I am riding the struggle bus with GC enabled. My battery drains at a ridiculous rate.

the AVG energy usage is never below 30 (whatever units thats being mesured in). Its so bad I have to disable BTT basically when I am not tethered to the power cord :frowning: any thoughts?

Is this on the latest experimental version? If not, give it a shot - lots and lots of optimizations that aren't yet in the stable release. It's pretty stable so I recommend giving it a shot, I'm just working out the final features and polish!

Yes, sorry I didn’t mention this. I am on latest experimental for both GC and BTT. I have been carrying over my settings since last stable basically. I tried doing a full reset of GC yesterday and redid my settings but still nada and seeing the avg of 30 energy impact

Audio AirPlay devices

This is super easyCheck out the C3 version of my preset, you'll find an "AirPlay" (Audio only) group there.

The group opens through a button that displays the current output device, and if this is an AirPods Device displays the battery status in the line below.

The Script to find the connected device (used by myself to open the group)

tell application "BetterTouchTool"

--attempt to get variable


set LclAirPodsName to get_string_variable "AirPodsWg_DevceName"

end try

end tell


set returnValue to {}

tell application "iTunes"

set AirPlayName to name of the first AirPlay device whose selected is true

if AirPlayName contains LclAirPodsName then

set returnValue to (AirPlayName & (checkBattery() of me)) as string

else if AirPlayName contains "Computer" then

set returnValue to (AirPlayName & (checkStatus() of me)) as string


set returnValue to AirPlayName

end if

return returnValue

end tell

on checkStatus()


tell application "BetterTouchTool"

--attempt to get variable


set LclAirPodsName to get_string_variable "AirPodsWg_DevceName"

end try

end tell


--set myString to button returned of (display dialog "Connected?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})

--set myString to "name: DR-BT101 Connected: " & myString

(*uncomment line below when done testing*)

set myString to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType"

--initial check if it's not even there

if myString does not contain LclAirPodsName then

return " "


--find out if connected/disconnected

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "name:"

set myList to the text items of myString --each item of mylist is now one of the devices

set numberOfDevices to count of myList

set counter to 1

repeat numberOfDevices times --loop through each devices checking for Connected string

if item counter of myList contains LclAirPodsName then

if item counter of myList contains "Connected: Yes" then

return checkBattery()

else if item counter of myList contains "Connected: No" then

return " "


display dialog "Error Parsing" --this shouldn't happen

end if

end if

set counter to counter + 1

end repeat

end if

end checkStatus

on checkBattery()

set OUTPUT1 to do shell script "


BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/;

SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType);

MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 \"Minor Type: Headphones\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Address/{print $3}');

CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 \"${MAC_ADDR}\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}');

BLUETOOTH_DATA=$(grep -ia6 '\"'\"${MAC_ADDR}\"'\"'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS}\");

BATTERY_LEVELS=(\"BatteryPercentCombined\" \"HeadsetBattery\" \"BatteryPercentSingle\" \"BatteryPercentRight\");

if [[ \"${CONNECTED}\" ]];


for I in \"${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}\";


declare -x \"${I}\"=\"$(awk -v pat=\"${I}\" '$0~pat{gsub (\";\",\"\"); print $3}'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}\")\";

[[ ! -z \"${!I}\" ]] &&

OUTPUT1=\"${OUTPUT}$(awk '/BatteryPercent/{print substr($0)}'<<<\"${I}\")${!I}%\";


printf \"%s\" \"${OUTPUT1}\";


set OUTPUT2 to do shell script "


BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/;

SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType);

MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 \"Minor Type: Headphones\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Address/{print $3}');

CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 \"${MAC_ADDR}\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}');

BLUETOOTH_DATA=$(grep -ia6 '\"'\"${MAC_ADDR}\"'\"'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS}\");

BATTERY_LEVELS=(\"BatteryPercentCombined\" \"HeadsetBattery\" \"BatteryPercentSingle\" \"BatteryPercentLeft\");

if [[ \"${CONNECTED}\" ]];


for I in \"${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}\";


declare -x \"${I}\"=\"$(awk -v pat=\"${I}\" '$0~pat{gsub (\";\",\"\"); print $3}'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}\")\";

[[ ! -z \"${!I}\" ]] &&

OUTPUT2=\"${OUTPUT}$(awk '/BatteryPercent/{print substr($0)}'<<<\"${I}\")${!I}%\";


printf \"%s\" \"${OUTPUT2}\";


return & "

" & "Ⓛ" & OUTPUT2 & " Ⓡ" & OUTPUT1

end checkBattery

--Code by @Caliguvara and @Zikade from
Script to display an AirPlay Device (needs to be repeated *n* times, returns the names of the devices)
tell application "iTunes"
set listOfAirPlayNames to (get name of every AirPlay device)
set AirPlayDevice to the first item of listOfAirPlayNames
return AirPlayDevice
end tell
--code by @Caliguvara

You have to change the third line to second item, third item,… n times.

Only bugger for now, I return a variable, not a string, so the Widget won't be able to tell you if several AirPlay Devices are connected. More information in this discussion.

Script to connect to a desired AirPlay Device
tell application "iTunes"
set listOfAirPlayNames to (get name of every AirPlay device)
set chosenAirPlayName to the second item of listOfAirPlayNames
set current AirPlay devices to AirPlay device chosenAirPlayName
end tell
--code by @Caliguvara

Of course you have to change the third line to second item, third item in order to adjust them to their respective widget.

Take a look into it! Would be happy to hear your opinion about it :slightly_smiling_face:


Another question halfway OT - do you know a mail program that works with apple script? My idea is to use the email notifications of Folivora to display notifications from the community in the Touch Bar without spamming my main mail app…

@Caliguvara Whoa, could I use this for AQT?

For sure :man_shrugging:t2:

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Are there issues with the settings dialog in the latest GC experimental build in BTT 2.854? None of the toggles work for me anymore. There's a pressed state, but they don't move.

I think I might have broken it :slight_smile: WIll upload a fixed version in a minute.

// fixed in BetterTouchTool v2.862 which is currently uploading

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Excellent, all good again. Thanks for the quick fix :slight_smile:

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Hey, I think I've made an OmniFocus tasks group similar to the Things tasks group, but how do you make the right side buttons go away after you open a new group, also how can I contribute what I've made? Do you take PRs anywhere?

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If you paste the code for your widgets in a new thread in this subforum (you can title it "OmniFocus Support" or something similar), I'll tidy things up and add it to the next release!

That also goes for anything else you'd like to contribute :slight_smile: I know it's not as simple as a pull request but it works, haha.

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Is it possible to add "reopen" command to dock items?" This allows the app to come to the front even when the app has been minimized.


tell application "Messages" to reopen
tell application "Messages" to activate
end if

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@GoldenChaos @Andreas_Hegenberg any thoughts on my energy usage post?

Which version of GoldenChaos are you using?

latest experimental of both GC and BTT

Is the Touch Bar supposed to change when different applications are being used? I set it up and the toucher always shows the same icons.

Yes, with this preset, the touchbar should always stay the same, unless you hold down command, alt, or control.

@wowthatisrandom will add this when I go through and update my badges with @yuuiko's improved handoff detection :slight_smile:

@Dylan_Bertwell what @alex-w-k said! I'll add that one of the fundamental design principles of GC-BTT is that a keyboard's layout should be consistent and reliable, only changing with explicit user input (explicitly tapping the Touch Bar or using a keyboard shortcut). I think the constantly changing nature of the built-in Touch Bar is what makes it so infuriating to use, because it prevents you from developing muscle memory for the key positions.

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