GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

Hello, I am a young man who is using your btt preset in Korea.

Thank you for making such a good thing.
I have a few questions about your use.
Of the control strip icons that appear when press the Options key, click Inhibit Mode + Night Mode to prevent color changes. What causes it?
If you click the dark mode button normally, the icon changes color. ᅮ
The settings have not been touched and are up to date.
ps : Note that you do not want to change the color or icon, but the function will work normally.

Hi there! What you are seeing is normal. Unfortunately, I have not found a way for those icons to change color yet. Once I find a way, I will implement it in a future version!

More specifically, there is a way to detect these settings, but it requires opening the System Preferences app every time you want to check it. This makes a bad experience, I believe, so I am looking for a way to detect these settings without opening System Preferences.

Thanks for using the preset! Let me know if you have any more feedback or questions :slight_smile:

Follow me to this thread where another user has the same issue: Applications Not Working: Fix

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue myself. The script is supposed to open the Bluetooth menu and click Connect for the first matching item (or close the menu if there is no match). But you and @Abhishek_Samadder both say the bluetooth menu doesn't even open when you tap on any of the BT Connect buttons. So I need to do some digging to find out why this doesn't work. Now that there are two users with the issue, though, maybe we can cross-reference your setups to identify what's similar or something and figure out why the menu isn't opening.

Anyways, I'll make a post in that thread with instructions for how to test!

Hi again, just discovered something new about the modifier key issue (which I am still experiencing on 2.719): the expected behavior occurs when I hold Fn. So for example, if I hold Fn (and get the mishmash) and then press Command, the app switcher appears. If I hold Fn and press Option, the window options appear. But when I just press Command or Option alone without Fn, all buttons disappear. Even more bizarrely, this is not true of Control--pressing Control with or without Fn shows the control menu.

I've completely wiped BTT and reinstalled everything from scratch and this issue persists.

This is definitely a BTT issue, so I've made a bug report thread about the fn issue :slight_smile:

I'd also love to make the modifier menus only work when you hold down the one modifier key; right now if you hold down multiple keys nearly the whole Touch Bar goes blank, and I really want to turn off that behavior. Is there a way @Andreas_Hegenberg?

// moved to Holding fn causes all modifiers to be triggered at once

@GoldenChaos yay! Experimental version 2.723 fixes the modifier key issue I was having, where the Opt and Cmd menus only worked if I was holding fn. Thank you!

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Hi, I fairly new to BTT but managing better and better :smile:
I have updated to the newest version but cannot seem to get the settings window as shown in the screenshots. I only see them in the bar..... Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance!

The settings window is only in the experimental versions right now! Install that version to get the window :slight_smile:

Thanks, that worked!

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Hi, I'm having some issues with the new settings window on 2.723-2. Most of the home strip controls don't seem to do anything: for instance, I can't change "show finder" and "airdrop" to icon only or disable them, and I also can't turn off window snapping. it's also not possible to hide the now playing widget, or show/hide back/forward, refresh, and new tab. I believe these features were in the changelog for this version so it's interesting that they're not working for me. Any tips?

Thanks for reporting this - the issue is that the variables for the setting aren’t initializing properly because you’ve never set them before.

I’m actually not sure how to get these to initialize without reapplying one of the two presets. So, a workaround would be to restore to the default settings, which will set the new defaults for those switches. Then they’ll work. But I know that’s not ideal.

@Andreas_Hegenberg how do I get these variables to initialize on import without overriding a user’s existing settings?

I've had this issue on AQT before.

When a user installs AQT, they are directed to press the 'Setup Information' button.
When they press the button, the setup information window pops up, BUT it also runs this script:

--Set AQT Variables to default if not set (new install)

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
		set LclRetrievedVar to get_string_variable "CS_Highlighting"
		set LclESC_Format to get_string_variable "ESC_Format"
		set LclHighlightCal to get_string_variable "CS_HighlightCal_Mode"
		set LclCalWgtMode to get_string_variable "CALWGT-DisplayEventsAs"
	end try
	if LclRetrievedVar is missing value or LclRetrievedVar is "" then --check and set Control Strip Highlighting to ON
		set_persistent_string_variable "CS_Highlighting" to "ON"
	end if
	if LclESC_Format is missing value or LclESC_Format is "" then --check and set ESC key style to Edge
		set_persistent_string_variable "ESC_Format" to "Edge"
	end if
	if LclHighlightCal is missing value or LclHighlightCal is "" then --check and set Control Strip Cal Icon Mode to Both
		set_persistent_string_variable "CS_HighlightCal_Mode" to "Both"
	end if
	if LclCalWgtMode is missing value or LclCalWgtMode is "" then --check and set Cal Widget Mode
		set_persistent_string_variable "CALWGT-DisplayEventsAs" to "Now+Next"
	end if
end tell

It basically goes through and sets all required variables for AQT to work to their default variables. I'm pretty sure you understand.

I'm also working on a way to auto-start it if someone starts AQT as an update to their previous presets.

Wait a sec, I just realised;

I was going to do this with a variable that stores the latest successfully installed version, but do you think it'll work if I just simply run it every say 10s just like a regular widget? hmm.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I think it'll do it since it won't override already set variables.. It logically makes sense but i'm not good at logical thinking so correct me if i'm wrong!

(sorry for the random section about my own preset, but I guess it applies to you too since it's about auto-updating)

The issue is twofold:

(1) I'd prefer the user not to have to press something to initialize the preset, since there are already enough steps to get up and running as-is.

(2) I know exactly when I need to initialize the variables, and only once, and that is when the preset is imported. So if I could do a first-run variable check on import, that would satisfy everything and not consume valuable system resources.

EDIT: Actually, there is a second time that this script could run, and that is when the settings menu first loads and checks the settings. It can just run a new "Initialize Settings" trigger before it checks all settings. Durh. So I will do that.

EDIT 2: Aaaand it's done. @thom.w could you try GC-BTT 2.723-3 (just posted)?

Great work!

Yes, same. I plan to add some kind of auto but for now, the hidden action is what it is right now. This is why I discussed the method to run this. I guess you can’t afford to run it like a normal widget because itll run forever and not only when a specific app is open....

How do you check for the ‘on import?’ I’d really like to know that!
Aand lastly checking right when settings are open is basically what I’m doing now :wink:

I’ll check out your preset soon and let you know if any issues occur.

Remember! You can view and munipulate BTT variables with this file:

~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool/btt_user_variables.plist
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I did not know about that plist file!!

Yep, everything works! Thank you!

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Question: not sure if this has been covered already.. but with the Emoji picker - any way to make it so that it doesn't disappear after one emoji? Makes it hard to emoji spam.....

Edit: second question - say for example I turn off the command and option modifier menus. The default is to quickly shrink the menu bar. Is it possible to set it to NOT shrink the menu bar?

  • Definitely an option I can add!
  • Also definitely an option I can, uh, try to add! There are some complications here, but the short of it is really just "it would be a bit more work". But I think it would be worth it so I'm gonna try :smiley:
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Thanks! Re: the second one - I went ahead and just changed all my "menu bar" icons to always show regardless of modifier keys. Doing this manually achieves what I want so not a huge issue if it's too much work!

A new inquiry here: if I were to then upgrade to the latest version of GC-TouchBar through the recommended steps i.e. remove the preset entirely, reinstall new, and click on "restore preexisting configuration" - would this revert back to all of my manual changes as well?