GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

Just uploaded v2.671 alpha, it doesn't restore full functionality of the progress bar, but should make it usable again. On my system reapplying the settings is about 1000% faster with this version.

Unfortunately supporting modifiers in activation groups is kind of complicated because it would mean I need to reevaluate them every time a modifier key is pressed. However it would also be very powerful, so I'll try to integrate that.

It's definitely critical if I'm going to use them, there doesn't seem to be a way around it.

I have a preliminary build where I've refactored the menu bar, dock, and browser tabs widget to all be conditional groups. Behavior seems all over the map currently. Some issues I've noticed:

  • The browser tabs widget shows nothing - I'm not sure why. What am I doing wrong here?
  • The menu bar does not always appear, and inevitably disappears permanently after a little while.
  • In general, rule detection seems to be delayed or spotty. The activation group for detecting the text area for autofill/autocomplete does not reliably fire and, even more critically, does not reliably dismiss itself.
  • A huge part of the menu bar paradigm relies on the ability to have the secondary menu bar set disappear when viewing modifier menus. Without this functionality, I can't really take advantage of the benefits of conditional groups yet.

Here's a build for you to check out and see what I'm talking about, @Andreas_Hegenberg: GoldenChaos-BTT.bttpresetcompressed.bttpresetcompressed (28.2 MB)
(Note to others: Do not download this. The menu bar and dock are totally disconnected from settings, so none of the settings switches work yet.)

After giving it a bit more thought, I think modifier handling will probably always stay trigger-specific. However having a way to set a trigger to only show while not holding some modifier keys should be easy to do.

I'm not sure I understand the current setup. How does the "Browser Tabs" group open? Is there any advantage of putting these into an activation group compared to a normal touch bar group? Is it correct that the current browser tabs group doesn't have any triggers in it?

AX based groups like the auto complete thing can be very complicated and depends very much on the AX support of the app. However your setup seems to work fine here and seems to trigger like intended (only tested with Textedit).

I'm going to sleep now, I'll continue tomorrow!

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I suppose there isn't much benefit to making browser tabs a conditional group, I just wanted to see what the system was capable of. The browser tabs widget group was indeed empty, but intended to populate with the contents of the browser tabs conditional group. Eventually I was thinking I could turn this into an object system of reusable components, with the widget groups just acting as dumb containers, but that doesn't seem to be the intention here. So I'll move it back to a regular group.

Making the additional modifier setting trigger-specific would still solve my problem, so I'm all for that!

Just saw your release, I’ll download it and take a look sometime.

  1. if you have the modifier triggers in a seperate CAgroup, try put them with the non-modifier triggers.

  2. @Andreas_Hegenberg, I’m also seeing the disappearing triggers over at AQT. I think they’re having trouble showing again after hiding for a group.

I have a discussion with @Andreas_Hegenberg about the new features at BTT 2.66x discussion - Problems with new features

Maybe you could come along and help @GoldenChaos?

Whoa! Transparency in the floating web view??

I've been wanting to do it but It didn't work when i tried... Could I use this?

Sure, it’s just regular CSS! I used the -webkit-backdrop-filter property.

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I'll clean it up a bit too! maybe also add dark mode sensing as well.

Nice, yeah mine does not switch from dark to light atm haha. If you implement it I’ll make sure to backport it.

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I'm not sure how to create a thread under this preset so I'll post my bug report here.

Somehow the touch bar started displaying labels alongside the icons, even displaying a button for 'spacer' and won't scroll so a lot of the menu is inaccessible.

This is a common issue that I still don't completely know the workaround for. @Andreas_Hegenberg is there an official solution for this? I'd like to document it in the upcoming FAQ.

Hi @GoldenChaos

Fabulous work on this! I'm really enjoying the presets and learning a lot configuring the touchbar.

I was not sure if this is best place to raise bug/issue relating to "Reapply ALL Settings"

I am currently running BTT 2.683 (988) and recently upgraded to GC-BTT 2.671.2.

I made certain to delete GC-BTT 2.641 and even restarted, There are no other presets other than default. Upon completing the direct import of GC-BTT 2.671.2 and having BTT restart. I attempt to "Reapply All Settings" without any success.

Please see below pictures, None of my settings appear preserved.

Before Update:

After update and "Reapply All Settings"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The only settings that get preserved are the ones in the GC-BTT settings menu! The preset is designed to be used unmodified, since all the settings switches in the settings menu do the rearranging. However, since you made deeper changes - like those dividers and significantly rearranging the layout - you'll need to recreate those changes when you upgrade. My suggestion is to basically ignore the settings menu if you're planning on manually editing things in BTT.

It's possible that there will be a way to upgrade similarly modified versions in the future, but there's no time frame for that currently - @Andreas_Hegenberg did talk about being able to override existing widgets on import once which would be fantastic.

Hey GC. I think the point you raised in your reply to Seb is a very important thing to point out in your introduction to GC-BTT. The fact that this preset is designed to be used unmodified and only tweaked by your own Settings panel. This confused me originally but makes so much sense.


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Good idea :smile: I should also write that FAQ. I think once I have the new settings menu fully working I'll release that and take a short break to write the FAQ.

@seb785 've also added other widgets and buttons outside of GC-BTT and the way i keep them even after updates is by adding them to there own preset so they won't be affected my any changes.

@GoldenChaos the AirPods Connect unfortunatly doesnt work for me, it shows the battery info when i connect manually but i can't seem to be able to use it's connect feature.
My airpods are named "Samahy's Airpods". i've tried with just Airpods and even with yours IIRC "the timme flakes" but still the connect feature doesn't work.
here are the current scripts inside them:
one of the things i did change in the preset is the bluetooth buttons in both the connectivity actions and the secondary menu bar as i used my own script or rather made bash script and executed the .sh.

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Hi @syto293,

Thanks so much for your response. Can you expand on to protocol you have in place? How is your master preset set up in order to accordingly override the default GC -BTT?


The AirPods button doesn't use any of the Bluetooth button code, so you should be able to change that without affecting things. I'll have a look and see what's going on after I've got the new settings menu all worked out :slight_smile: if I forget, please just remind me!

Also, this ties into another feature I want to add: the ability to define the name of your AirPods through the settings window. One step at a time...

If you want to automate the reproduction of your GC-BTT customizations, have a look at the "GC's GC-BTT" preset script under the "Other" tab in the BTT settings. You can basically script the whole thing to set the settings you want, change variables to options that are not normally available, move items around, and a lot more if you make your preset script big enough. You can pretty much tell BTT to do anything.

I've pasted it below. I don't modify GC-BTT too heavily because, well, it's the interface I want to use haha. But I do change one of the date variables to something not normally available and enable a special option menu button (Sleep) that there is no setting for! So you could start to see how you could use that to make GC-BTT fit in with your own personal presets that are loaded alongside it.

-- GC's GC-BTT
-- This is a PRESET script, called from GC-BTT Settings

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
		-- Set Escape Key persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "escKeyStyle" to "combo"
		-- Set Calendar App persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "calendarApp" to "fantastical"
		-- Set Home Strip persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBackForward" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showRefresh" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showNewTab" to "true"
		-- Set Menu Bar persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "menuBarSize" to "medium"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showCollapseMenuBar" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSettings" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBrowserTabs" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showEmojiPicker" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showCurrentLanguage" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showAppSwitcher" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showCaffeinate" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showConnectGamepad" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showConnectBeats" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showConnectAirPods" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBluetooth" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showWifi" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showMicrophoneMute" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showVolumeMute" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showVolumeDown" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showVolumeUp" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBrightnessDown" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBrightnessUp" to "true"
		-- Set Date/Time persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "dateSize" to "dynamic"
		set_persistent_string_variable "timeFormat" to "12hour"
		-- Set a custom date format
		set_persistent_string_variable "dateFormatMedium" to "E d h:mm a"
		-- Set Weather Widget persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showWeather" to "dynamic"
		-- Set Spotlight Key persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSpotlight" to "never"
		-- Set Siri Key persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSiri" to "never"
		-- Set Notification Center Key persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showNotificationCenter" to "always"
		-- Show the Sleep key in the Option Menu
		update_trigger "4375EE82-970A-49C3-A280-27A102CF19C7" json "{\"BTTEnabled2\" : 1}"
		-- Set Dock Badge persistent variables
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSafariBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSafariPreviewBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showChromeBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showChromeCanaryBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showFirefoxBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showFaceTimeBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showiMessageBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showWhatsAppBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTelegramBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showFranzBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSkypeBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSkypeBusinessBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showYakYakBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showChattyBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showCaprineBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showGoofyBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showAppleMailBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showOutlookBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSparkBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showAirmailBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showPolymailBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBoxyBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showMailplaneBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showPostboxBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showMailMateBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showSlackBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showDiscordBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showDiscordCanaryBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTrelloBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showBodoBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showAbstractBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showZeplinBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTweetbotBadge" to "true"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTwitterBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTwitchBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showFacebookBadge" to "false"
		set_persistent_string_variable "showTumblrBadge" to "false"
		-- Refresh the Touch Bar
		trigger_named "Check All Settings"
	end try
end tell

@seb785 don't set GC as the default and make your edits in your own Preset.
my setup is as follows.

i thought about automating my changes and integrating it into my GC preset;However, i chose not to bec it'll be easier for me to edit and modify later without going through a mountain of items even though i color coded them.
"Power in Diversity" and all. and i'm eagerly waiting your new release.

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