Getting the URL of current Chrome tab


Hi! I am trying to implement a keyboard shortcut that does the following:

  1. tell application "Google Chrome" to get URL of active tab of front window
  2. set variable URL to result
  3. do shell script "/Users/YOUR-USER-NAME/.nvm/versions/node/v13.5.0/bin/node ~/PLACE-WHERE-YOU-CLONED-THE-REPOSITORY/hypothesis-to-bullet/index.mjs "& URL &" YOUR-HYPOTHESIS-USERNAME | pbcopy"

But I am stuck on item 1!

How would you go around getting the URL into a variable?


tell application "Google Chrome"
	set result to get URL of active tab of front window
end tell

You don't need to mess with Apple Script. This is easily implemented in via "Execute Shell Script / Task" action and google-cli which on mac can be installed with homebrew.

chrome-cli --help
chrome-cli -h (Print help)
chrome-cli --help (Print help)
chrome-cli help (Print help)
chrome-cli list windows (List all windows)
chrome-cli list tabs (List all tabs)
chrome-cli list tabs -w (List tabs in specific window)
chrome-cli list links (List all tabs' link)
chrome-cli list links -w (List tabs' link in specific window)
chrome-cli info (Print info for active tab)
chrome-cli info -t (Print info for specific tab)
chrome-cli open (Open url in new tab)
chrome-cli open -n (Open url in new window)
chrome-cli open -i (Open url in new incognito window)
chrome-cli open -t (Open url in specific tab)
chrome-cli open -w (Open url in new tab in specific window)
chrome-cli close (Close active tab)
chrome-cli close -w (Close active window)
chrome-cli close -t (Close specific tab)
chrome-cli close -w (Close specific window)
chrome-cli reload (Reload active tab)
chrome-cli reload -t (Reload specific tab)
chrome-cli back (Navigate back in active tab)
chrome-cli back -t (Navigate back in specific tab)
chrome-cli forward (Navigate forward in active tab)
chrome-cli forward -t (Navigate forward in specific tab)
chrome-cli activate -t (Activate specific tab)
chrome-cli size (Print size of active window)
chrome-cli size -w (Print size of specific window)
chrome-cli size (Set size of active window)
chrome-cli size -w (Set size of specific window)
chrome-cli position (Print position of active window)
chrome-cli position -w (Print position of specific window)
chrome-cli position (Set position of active window)
chrome-cli position -w (Set position of specific window)
chrome-cli source (Print source from active tab)
chrome-cli source -t (Print source from specific tab)
chrome-cli execute (Execute javascript in active tab)
chrome-cli execute -t (Execute javascript in specific tab)
chrome-cli chrome version (Print Chrome version)
chrome-cli version (Print application version)

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