Floating menus replaced when "Conditional Activation Group" is active?

Hi everyone!

I have a floating menu set up for Safari, but I would like that menu to be replaced with another menu when I go to a specific website, in this case Google Docs. Can someone point me in the right direction of how to do that?
Right now, the menu I have set up in the "Conditional Activation Group" shows alongside/on top of the general menu for Safari, and not in stead of it

Thanks a lot!

Basically you would need to setup two CAGs.
One for safari with the specific website

appName CONTAINS "Safari" OR activeWebsiteURL CONTAINS "google.com"

And one for all other websites:

appName CONTAINS "Safari" AND (NOT (activeWebsiteURL CONTAINS "google"))

An other way:
If you use the same menu identifier BTT will merge the menus if multiple CAGS are active at the same time. This allows to have a base menu and extend it based on the website:

Brilliant. Setting up a different CAG works perfectly. I should have thought of that. Thanks a lot Andreas!

@Andreas_Hegenberg Can I ask you another quick floating menu question: When I have a the menu set to appear at the cursor, and the menu has a submenu that is longer than the "parent", the parent menu seems to appear as if aligned to the submenu instead of the parent menu, if that makes any sense. See the screenshot. Is there any way to change that behavior?

Screenshot 2024-12-08 at 21.02.57

could you share that menu with me? (right-click export to file - either post it here or send to andreas@folivora.ai)

Sure, "Export selected triggers to file", right?
exported_triggers.bttpreset (291.6 KB)

Thanks! Looks like the size is not being reset when the submenu closes and "Fit Content" is used. It works correctly the first time the menu is opened. I'll have a look.

Thanks a lot! For me however it doesn't seem to work even the first time after I restart BTT
Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 07.49.30