Hi all,
Don't know if the problem is my side, or possibly introduced by an update to BTT?
Transferred BTT between an old Intel Mac (running BTT 3.755, Monterey 12.3) to a new M1 Mac (running BTT 3.756, on Monterey 12.3.1) – and all other(?) triggers/macros etc. working as expected.
But on the NEW Mac, it's now only working partially – and not at all on the old Mac.
I haven't used the macro in a while (it makes highlighting inside PDFs inside DEVONthink 3 so quick and easy) – but when I do, I use it often.
So not sure if it broke before the transfer, or whether it was broken in the transfer.
Sadly, I installed it back in 2018, and cannot for the life of me remember what I did to set it up in the first place.
So figured I would check first if the problem was mine, or possibly related to something changing in BTT?
Apologies. Have it working now. Needed to work my way through the tutorial again – and will now also make a plain-text instruction file for future me, to remind me how this all pieces together.
One issue was that DEVONthink had a change to its menus – so my "named actions" was hitting the wrong menu item when trying to highlight. This explained why it was working partially.
But the main issue was that – until I re-read the tutorial post – that I forgot "named actions" were even involved. I was looking inside the index.html file, and the .json file, to work out where I had set what needed to be happen once the floating menu was triggered. Saw the "action1", "action2" etc., but assumed this was somewhere else in one of the other files, or had gone missing. Never occurred to me that it was a further step inside BTT.
Regardless, all fixed now.