I had set up a floating menu, where my icons were white and changed color by hovering. However, after updating BTT, I noticed that the icons kept their colors.
I don't know if that is a bug or something I accidentally changed.
By the way, is there a way to open a specific folder using one of the existing actions?
ah I think there might be an issue with the "Hover" and "Hover End" triggers. I'll have a look!
That would be nice.
I also tried a couple of things around, and it seems when an action is triggered by the right-click trigger, the floating menu stays open instead of being closed like with a regular click.
should be fixed in 4.803 (uploading now)
The not closing is expected, all action categories apart form the standard one will keep the menu open - but of course you can still hide it by adding the "hide floating menu" action to your action sequence.
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Ooh I see. That one I forget exist.
Now it works again.