Floating Menu always visible and acting as normal window in split screen

Hi, I would like to have floating menu act as a normal window that can be used in split screen.

I would like to achieve something similar to TabletPro software for Windows tablets:

Where you can have this persistent panel that is not floating on top of some window, but is it's own window.

Is that possible?


I'm not sure, but have you checked the docs, e.g. Custom Scriptable WebView · GitBook ?

Ah, this is a good idea. I'll add an "Allow Fullscreen / Splitscreen" option here with the next version:


Wait, what I'm missing. Isn't this already possible using similar config:

The below is to make it resizable like a "normal" window.

Even my previous post should be ignored.

It can not go full screen at the moment, so you can't use the "full screen tiling"


Excellent thank you both, I missed window level option.

Follow up question: can these options work in similar way to TabletPro, where you can have this left hand panel, and it occupies that part of the screen, similar to Dock and Menubar? Then if I have floating menu on left side, safari on right side, if I close safari, and open a new app and maximize it, it fills only that remaining space, leaving the left panel visible.