Floating ChatGPT not working anymore?

It seems that chatgpt has changed both its URL for web chatgpt to just chatgpt.com and the floating window login now opens a safari window to login. Im guessing it tries to send the login back to the floating window and fails. I of coarse tried to change the URL in the floating window settings with no avail.

It also stoped focusing the input field a couple of weeks ago. And I have also been having problems with clicking links in the floating window.

Has anyone done a bit more complex floating window integration with some java perhaps?

Edit: Maybe its just better change the shortcut to opening the ChatGPT app? Or is there a good reason to keep using floating window instead?

The screenshot is how it looks after I try to login.

I just tried (macOS 15.2 & BTT 4.9997 - I was able to login fine:

The login did open directly within the floating window:

However probably the official ChatGPT is the better option nowadays!

You really should try this slip pad I'm using! It's a quick pop-up standalone browser. :blush:

Ok. Tried everything now, clearing webwindow, openai, chatgpt, oauth page data. Tried using another browser, changing user agent etc.

Regarding the app. No! I directly saw that when using the quick command you cant jump between chats without opening the whole app. Which I do all the time since if you use photos you cant choose O1 and need a new chat, but still need the info from the old chat.

And also you cant use the "Enter button" in chatgpt app for a new row. And im guessing its impossible to differtiate between a "new row" command and a "send chat" command in Better Touch Tools?

Also connecting keyboard command for Chatgpt with Better Touchtool means that you need to press the command twice to close the window if its not focused.

Whats slip pad? Couldnt find anything on google?

https://slidepad.app/ Sorry, my translator is having issues. (。•́‿•̀。)

@wellwell, which version of macOS are you on and what is your default browser?

15.1.1 and Safari. I tried making Brave browser default to try in that as well.

maybe export your floating menu (right-click -> export to file) then I can check whether I can see anything weird.

I’m on 15.2, not sure whether that makes any difference

I think ive tried everything. Extension, private relay, different browser, changing the adress in floating window.

Strange thing I noticed is that when i click the login in floating window and it opens up a safari tab to login, if I then right click the floating window and choose "clear webview chaches", the safari tab reloads and not the floating webview?

I you dont get a safari tab opening when logging in, im guessing that they have implemented a new login with 0auth that sends a login token, but not yet to all users. And the webview cant receive it? (If i understanding it correctly)

And sometimes i get this longer error message.

Also get this link when its opening login in safari:

Try to do this, then I can check. I’d guess it’s some setting because it’s still working fine on all of my machines.


cgpt_triggers.bttpreset (26.1 KB)

I just remembered that it was a preset that I downloaded. Downloaded it again and it works. But still interesting to see whats wrong? I thought it was just a basic window that used a link to chatgpt?

Edit: This java script was missing on mine: return "https://chat.openai.com"
Must have removed that when trying to get clickable links in the window that opens in Safari.

Thanks for taking your time! I tried so many other chatgpt implementations but the floating window is just the simplest and nicest.