Floatin menu item margins and text truncation?


I'm trying to create a menu with sixteen small buttons with descriptions. I'm running into an issue where the text is truncated earlier than I would like and I can't find a setting to fix it.

The example here is a bit crooked, but shows the issue. The text should fit into the button, and even in the case it didn't, I would like to not have the ellipsis, but just let the text clip.

Is there any way around this? I would prefer not to create images for the buttons, the idea is to automate the captions via a script eventually.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 10.22.35

unfortunately I think there is not yet a way to turn of truncation in swiftui (at least not without some hacks that cause other side effects)

You can try to set a negative padding for the item if you want to go edge to edge:

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Negative padding works perfectly, thank you!