Fix DOuble CAps

can BBT somehow fix my constant DOuble CAps problem? sometimes i type to fast and my shift-finger is too slow.
was wondering if there is anything that BTT can do to help. MacOS autocorrect is useless for this, because i dont want to have it running and changing all my words. and a separate setting for this i couldnt find

any idea?

as i an still suffering from this - is there any one that has a tip, a fix, a setting a tool ....

thank you!

Unfortunately I can't think of a good way to solve this - at least not while typing.

You could probably use a "Transform Selected Text With Java Script" action that can fix the text after it has been typed.

async (clipboardContentString) => {

 return clipboardContentString.replace(/\b([A-Z]{2})([a-z]+)/g, (match, caps, rest) => {
        // Lowercase the first character in the capitalized part and join with the rest of the word
        return caps[0] + caps[1].toLowerCase() + rest;

thank you so much for your writeup andreas ... this is not usable in many cases (only typing a single word, or in coding ...)... but : do you maybe have an idea how typinator is doing this: Typinator Extras, Extensions and more DOuble CAps 1.0