Finder - Tags Shortcut (Mojave)??

Does anyone know how to create a shortcut to trigger Finder's Tags option from the menu?

Here's a screenshot of where it appears in Finder (bottom of the File menu):

It seems to operate differently from other menu options (and from the way it used to operate prior to Mojave).

I tried the usual BTT config - see below - but I didn't have any luck.

Has anyone been able to get this to work? I couldn't even get BTT's contextual menu to click the Tags option either.

Thanks for any help you can lend!!

Just tried it, pretty odd.

There's a workaround explained here:
Just remove all favorites Tags then it works.

You also can add it in the system preferences

Then you also see the shortcut in the status bar

I also use Keyboard Maestro and build some file taging macros with that

Hi @Julian_Steinmann - Thanks for getting back to me!

I saw similar suggestions on blogs about removing Finder's favorites, but since I like having them available, I was hoping to find another alternative solution that did not necessitate removing them (e.g., especially since BTT already provides other nice solutions to some of MacOS's wonky behaviors). I'm also a little surprised that BTT's positional triggers don't work here (i.e., triggering by item number).

In any case, thanks for the suggestion! I really appreciate it.

Unrelated, but if you like KM, you might consider checking out Alfred. Like yourself, I built several workflows that apply/remove tags that I use regularly (I'm happy to share, if you have any interest). Prior to using Alfred - and prior to Mojave, for that matter - I relied on the same System Preferences shortcut, as yourself, to trigger Finder's interface (and ironically the same shortcut, too - ⌃T). I liked using it then, and would like to start relying on it again in situations where I want to see the file's current tags or can't remember their names, etc. At the moment I don't have an Alfred workflow that deals with these situations very well. Thanks again!

I'm interested in the Alfred workflows for tagging that you have. Could you please share? Thank you!