Finder & Custom Context Menu

Hi- I've created a custom context menu for the Finder which renames the selected file. But every time I select one of the menu items, all that happens now is a new Finder window opens. It used to work so am wondering if this is might be a bug? Thanks for any guidance!

how does your action sequence to rename the selected file look like?

Thanks for your reply!

Well, the action sequence runs a terminal script (synchronous, blocking) which renames the files with a certain date depending on which menu item I choose.

But I've tried different actions - like screenshot, open url, etc. No matter the action, the context menu opens a new Finder window. I've tested the context menu in several applications and it works fine there though.

could you copy&paste the menu json here? (or send it to )
(CMD+C in BTT, then CMD+V here)

Then I could try it on my machine.

In general there is nothing in the custom context menu code that could by itself open a new finder window, but maybe it's related to some part of the script / action.

Strange, all seems to work fine here with your menu (although I can't test the shell script)
On your system the "Open Google" menu item, doesn't open Google but instead a new Finder window?

Which version of BTT are you currently running?

Thanks for checking - so it's something with my machine!
Thinking maybe I should export all my triggers, delete the app and my settings completely, then start fresh. I'm on version 4.361.

(Sorry dropped the conversation yesterday but we lost power and it just came back!)

Ok update:
I wiped my BTT installation. Deleted the application, the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool folder and the com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool.plist preference file. Rebooted. Then I downloaded a fresh copy of BTT and imported that test trigger menu I sent you. And unfortunately the same issue happens.
Same thing with a brand new user on my machine.
And same thing in safe mode.
Very puzzling!