Find a trigger by its UUID


is there a clever way to search/find a trigger by its UUID ?

I have several Streamdeck buttons which call triggers with java script like the one below. To speed up debugging I am looking for a quick way to find the trigger in BTT with help of the UUID.

(async ()=> {

   let result = await callBTT('execute_assigned_actions_for_trigger', {uuid: 'E0F3218A-882E-4B97-A58F-EC727E95BC0C'});

thanks a lot

You can not show it in the UI right now (this will be possible soon!), but you can get it via Apple Script or Java Script:

tell application "BetterTouchTool"

    return get_trigger "9D189F2C-6866-4955-9D8E-FEC96C5C7E30"

end tell
(async ()=> {

let result = await get_trigger({uuid:'123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'})

Thanks, that will do it...
The UUID search in the UI will help a lot in a lot of cases....

by the way, at least with the current alpha you will find the trigger that was triggered via execute_assigned_actions_for_trigger in the new "recently used" section.

Wow, yes of cause...

and now I found the issue:
Somehow I have a double keyboard trigger (see screen) and the second trigger ("null" in the orange preset) caused the issue (this was exceuted by the java script), but it is not visible anymore in the BTT UI, and that is why I cound not find it by UUID.
Not sure why the java script still "finds it" while it is not in the UI anymore...

Anyway it is fixed now...changed the UUID and the right trigger (in the blue preset) is now triggered.

Interesting, it looks like the linked app got lost - then it will not show anywhere in the UI. The recently used section shows any trigger regardless of app, thus it's showing there.
I think I can add a consistency check that prevents this.

One other observation on "Recently used section" is that "Delete" does not work overhere when "right clicking" on it...