External file being overwritten when selected for Real JS action

I'm reporting two issues with the "Real JavaScript" action configuration UI:

  1. When you choose an Existing File to save your action to, the file gets overwritten with the boilerplate contents of the inline text field.
  2. The contents of the "Async function to call" field don't get saved when the field loses focus. Instead, the field often resets to its previous value.

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.): N/A


Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MBP M1
  • macOS version: Sonoma 14.6.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.684

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

thanks a lot for reporting, should be fixed in 4.698 (will be available in 10 min)

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