Describe the bug
I was on an old version with an old license. Got the GDPR warning. Agreed. Then got to Crashlog Collection. Disallowed. Got a start button dialog. Pushed. Back to the Data Privacy Dialog.
So I bought a new license and upgraded.
Same problem.
Then I deleted Better Touch Tool. Redownloaded. Restarted.
Same problem.
So basically I can't use BTT at all right now because it just keeps looping warning me about GDPR.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)
Device information:
Type of Mac: MacBook Pro 2017
macOS version: newest mojave
BetterTouchTool version: 2.864
Additional information (e.g. StackTraces, related issues, screenshots, workarounds, etc.):
Note: Before bug reporting, please make sure you have the latest version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-). If you encounter a crash, please attach a crash log from the macOS from the "User Diagnostic Reports" section.
most of the time such things are caused by file system errors / permission problems. BTT seems to be unable to write to its own data file. Sometimes happens after migrating data from another system or similar.
If you delete the data file BTT will recreate it with the correct permissions. It's located in ~/Library/Preferences/com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool.plist (go there via finder -> go -> go to folder)
are you sure it didn't create a new one? This would indicate that even writing a new file to the preferences folder is not possible, but I have not seen this before.
Can you copy files to that folder without being prompted for extra permissions?
the problem is that it just restarts right after pushing the "Start using BTT & open preferences button). E.g. the icon disappears, app restarts, and back to the start.
I can actually use it for screen resizing while the permissions dialog is open, so maybe i'll just background that dialog for now.
ok, digging into logs. You're right it's about the prefs path.
I don't understand what's going on, but here are the logs:
01:54:19.493943 -0700
Couldn't get uncanonicalized path for domain com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool
01:54:19.494804 -0700
Couldn't get uncanonicalized path for domain com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool
01:54:19.494844 -0700
rejecting write of key BTTTouchBarVisible in { com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool, paul2, kCFPreferencesAnyHost, no container, managed: 0 } from process 9176 because Path not accessible
01:54:19.494925 -0700
Couldn't write value for key BTTTouchBarVisible in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000037cc070> (Domain: com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No): Path not accessible
01:54:19.515693 -0700
Couldn't get uncanonicalized path for domain com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool
01:54:19.516226 -0700
Couldn't get uncanonicalized path for domain com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool
01:54:19.516335 -0700
Couldn't write value for key BTTTouchBarVisible in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000037cc070> (Domain: com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No): Path not accessible
01:54:19.516265 -0700
rejecting write of key BTTTouchBarVisible in { com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool, paul2, kCFPreferencesAnyHost, no container, managed: 0 } from process 9176 because Path not accessible
Somehow it's interested in user paul2, which does not exist anymore.
Your recommendation was exactly what I needed. I still don't understand why it worked. Checking the permissions on the file they seemed correct. I even explicitly set permissions to 777 and it continued to crash due to permissions failures (specifically i was seeing the following message in the system console log: in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600003f47e70> (Domain: com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No): Path not accessible). Finally I stumbled onto your "delete the data file" suggestion and after restarting it has been all good. No more GDPR Acknowledgement loop and everything is happy.