"Doubleclick Main Menubar" trigger conflicts with Inductive Automation Ignition Designer

Describe the bug
"Doubleclick Main Menubar" trigger conflicts with Inductive Automation Ignition Designer - specifically throws a jxbrowser.chromium.BrowserException. Issue does not occur when "Doubleclick Main Menubar" trigger is not in use.


Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MBp 2020 16"
  • macOS version: Catalina 10.15.4
  • BetterTouchTool version: 3.368

Additional information (e.g. StackTraces, related issues, screenshots, workarounds, etc.):
BetterTouchToolDebug.zip (70.3 KB)

unfortunately that's a bug in that software. You will need to disable BTT for it (or only use the double click main menubar feature for other apps) as this can not be fixed inside of BTT.