Describe the bug
Within the BTT documentation (<-- at least on this page), the table of contents at the top has broken links to the section headers, seemingly because the headers are using <a name="..."></a>
which works in markdown, but doesn't work when rendered as the html at
Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):
Device information:
N/A (well, perhaps browser info: Version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Additional information (e.g. StackTraces, related issues, screenshots, workarounds, etc.):
As an aside–somewhat related–there is broken link on that page:
To see all methods available via this bridge, please have a look here: Java Script Brid[g]e Overview
The linked doc exists in the github repository:
(would link but discourse limits number of links in a comment for new users)
...but isn't being included in the GitBook, it seems (the link is to a .md file, not an .html file), and I'm not able to find the page in the sidebar menu of
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Thanks a lot for reporting, this should now be fixed