Dock icon gestures (NOT touchbar)


In an app called HyperDock they have a helpful gesture where you can show/hide that app's windows by scrolling up or down on the dock icon with a mouse or 2 finger gesture on trackpad. Unfortunately the app silently crashes within minutes on 10.15.2 and it's hindering my workflow.

Is there an equivalent option in BetterTouchTool?



Found a 90% solution!

Scroll down on app icon to hide:

  • Trigger: Normal Mouse
  • Group & Top Level Triggers: Scroll Down (Normal Mouse Configuration: Advanced → Trigger Conditions: Trigger while mouse over Dock)
  • Actions Assigned to Selected Trigger: Activated Currently Hovered App in Dock → Keyboard Shortcut: CMD + H

Scroll up on app icon to show:

  • Trigger: Normal Mouse
  • Group & Top Level Triggers: Scroll Up (Normal Mouse Configuration: Advanced → Trigger Conditions: Trigger while mouse over Dock)
  • Actions Assigned to Selected Trigger: Activated Currently Hovered App in Dock → Left Click

Note: CMD + H doesn't hide floating window types. Photoshop already has CMD + H registered to another shortcut so you will need to specify Photoshop specific binding of CTRL + CMD + H.


It would be nice if the author of BetterTouchTool can investigate HyperDock and see how their hide/show options functions because it works on all types of windows and no matter what shortcut is already assigned. Or hell, even a simple "Show / Hide Currently Hovered App in Dock" to work frictionlessly like HyperDock.

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