Disable trackpad on keyboard Clean Tool

Hi, Regarding your 3rd app: the keyboard clean tool:
This is an amazingly helpful tool that disables by keyboard while cleaning it. But the trackpad stays on and the cursor moves while i clean it on my Macbook.
Is there any way to disable the trackpad too? Like an option?
As for unlocking, we can use a complex shortcut which is unlikely to be pressed by me while cleaning... Example - Left Ctrl + Opt + Right Opt + Delete or something.

But then again, this might be possible using BTT...

Disabling cursor movement would need an app that works on a lower level than KeyboardCleanTool.

Maybe you can use the accessibility feature "mouse keys" to achieve this, it can be set to enable when pressing the option key 5 times. It's in System Settings => Accessibility => Pointer Control. KeyboardCleanTool won't block the option key.

Oh! That's clever! Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
PS - Your app is the 1st app I download on a mac. Thanks so much for this hard work over the years.