Custom touchbar

Hi, I would like to have exactly the default dynamic touchbar that comes from apple, but on the right I want static volume up/down/off button instead of a volume slider key. I hate having to move my finger to change volume. Is there any preset that does exactly this? I tinkered with btt but couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Apple's system customization is too coarse; you can set static buttons but I like the dynamic app-specific functionality. Thanks

unfortunately that is not possible with the currently available TouchBar API :cry:

You can associate gestures to the Touch Bar. Afaik it's the only way to trigger something from the standard Touch Bar.

Feg: two finger slide left → volume down

There is one more way: a custom control strip button. However only one such button can be configured.

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I like caliguvara's solution of associating a gesture to the touch bar... but how to do that? Documentation is non-existent

These "Touch Bar Gestures" should work everywhere if the checkbox "global trigger - works even BTT Touch Bar is hidden" is activated.

Thanks. Actually, I just found out that if you swipe the standard volume slider button left/right, the volume goes up/down without opening the volume slider. pretty amazing

yeah, we are all waiting for btt to implement that as well :slight_smile:
come on apple, make it easy, please!