The good news is that this is achievable. The bad news is that there's currently a bug in BetterTouchTool that means we need to install a Plugin for Microsoft Edge to make this work well.
The "Edge and YouTube" preset attached above contains a Conditional Activation Group (CAG) called "Edge and YouTube". The Triggers and Actions defined in the CAG will only be active (triggerable) if ALL of the following conditions are TRUE:
The "App Name" of the active app isMicrosoft Edge
The "Window Name" of the active window contains
This is why we downloaded the "URL in title" Edge Plugin so that we can ensure that the Triggers in our "Edge and YouTube" CAG are only active if we're watching a YouTube video. Normally, we can use the "Active Website URL" condition but for some reason it's not currently working for Microsoft Edge.
The "Focused Element Role" is notAXTextField
The "Focused Element Role" is notAXTextArea
The last two conditions are added to make sure we can still use the Tab and Q keys when we click into the Search input field and the Comment input fields on the YouTube website. Without these conditions, we wouldn't be able to search for videos or make comments containing the letter Q.
Something else: As far as I know, BTT recognizes text fields faster if this option is activated. BTT then actively asks the app ... or something like that.
thanks, I thought I doing something wrong, just updated to alpha; btw I would like to assign keys like h to move to history tab in youtube, tried with url but it just open in new tab; btw the key assigned in your setup, work on spotlight if you are in edge(for the app you setup)? because it doesn't for me