I have created custom context menu item for finder that launches the display setting preferences pane. For whatever reason MacOS doesn't have this like literally every other OS on the planet for some reason. Is there someway to make this work I dont really see any setting that would affect where it appears.
I added a Custom Finder Context Menu Item, then added and action of Execute Terminal Command. with he following:
open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Displays.prefPane
I would like to have this context menu when right clicking on the desktop.
Ahh probably it doesn't work if you use iCloud Desktop sync because iCloud folders are not supported by Finder Extensions ;-( I don't use iCloud Desktop, that's maybe the reason why it works here
In BTT alt/option is still available fine, also in all other apps that are not sandboxed. Only sandboxed apps (mostly App Store apps) have this new limitation.
Weird, if "new file menu" works BTT should also, it's using the same technique. :-/
tried several things but can'nt get the finger on it for now. by the way it also don't work on my external ssd but "new file menu" does:
good to know that the alt/opt key restriction is only for sandboxed apps. if it would be for security reasons one would expect that they restrict it for non-sandbox apps.
The sandbox is the main security feature, for non-sandboxed apps many security measures are not applied. The problem with allowing option shortcuts is that they can be used by malicious apps to retrieve parts of entered passwords, even if the malicious app is not in foreground.
External disks are indeed not yet supported by BTT's finder extension, that's something I should add. But desktop not working is weird.