Copy a particular Excel cell

Is there a way to setup BTT to copy a particular cell from an Excel file?

I would like to be working in an Excel file (File1) and extract template information from another Excel file (File2). Can I setup BTT to copy a cell from File2 while working in File 1? One time the cell from File 2 might be A1 and then next time B3 and then....

BTT can't do that out of the box. I'd recommend to use some python or nodejs library to achieve this. For example with python you can use this terminal command to copy cell A12 from /Users/tester/Documents/test.xlsx to the clipboard

python3 -c "from openpyxl import load_workbook; print(load_workbook('/Users/tester/Documents/test.xlsx').active['A12'].value)" | pbcopy

(you need to have openpyxl installed for this pip install openpyxl )

This you can run from BTT using the shell script / terminal command actions

Thanks for the tip. This is a little too complex for me to customize beyond your example but good to know it's possible.

Just FYI: chatgpt can help a lot of this stuff