Controlling the "Inspector" of Keynote, Numbers & Pages

I'm using BTT since a couple of weeks now and I have created many handy commands for various apps. One area that I haven't found a solution for is the 'Inspector' window of Apple apps such as Keynote, Numbers and Pages. It's the sidewindow where you change settings for text layout, cell format, font type etc. The problem is, many controls don't have corresponding menu bar items. Is there a way to control these with BTT?

Hi Hans,

Will follow this post as I heavily rely on shortcuts for Pages and Numbers too.

there are internal shortcuts for Pages and Numbers: tab through the tabs inside the inspector, for example. Or Ctrl+Tab (I think) changes the tabs within different opened Page-Documents. Unfortunately, some are outdated and not updated by Apple, I sent them a Bug Request already and the iWorks-Team sent a Email back.

I also struggle with the "Inspector" on the left side, e.g. the miniature view, the finder-view, because this stuff can't be easily controlled via shortcuts, as macOS changes the name for them in the View-Menu.


Also I'd like to give you a tipp of mine: with BTT you can open up a floating window now with around 9 fields. Each field can have

  • a name
  • a shortcut
  • changes for the App you use

For Pages or Numbers I created shortcuts for weird stuff I won't ever memorize. But with a 3-fingers swipe up, this menu just appears.
Bonus tipp: Below the shortcut name I also let the shortcut itself be printed, so after weeks I learn and memorize these shortcuts too. :wink:

Thanks @JohannesSchv ! Good to hear that you struggle with the same things. The problem is that I wouldn't know how to control parameters that aren't in the app's menubar or accessible thru shortcuts that are native. BTT's Floating Menu is certainly a beautiful front end, but under the hood I would still like it to perform actions that, in the case of the Numbers/Keynote/Pages Inspector, only can be performed by mouse clicking. As far as my understanding goes at least:)

unfortunately there is no universal system to control such things. Some of them are scriptable via Apple Script, or you can always fall back to the "Find Image On Screen And Move Mouse" action (or just the "Move Mouse" action), combined with click actions. (So simulating how you would do it with your mouse).

For Apple Script, you can try to record a macro with Apple's Automator app and see whether it works. Such macros can then either be run directly via BTT or you can modify the underlying Apple Script to make them fit your use case.

Thanks @Andreas_Hegenberg. Scripting has not been very succesful for me in the past but I'll see if I can do something with BTT's "Find Image On Screen And Move Mouse" function.