Conditional triggers for Menu Bar Items?

Hey guys! Been a user since my 2018 MBpro with the touchbar and really loving utilising BTT for more advanced stuff lately.

I might be an idiot but is there any way I can set a conditional trigger to activate a custom menu bar item?

In particular: I have made a custom menu bar button to eject disc/s but I only want it to show when USB devices are actually connected. I can set them up separately, but not together it seems? Custom automations section, I can setup actions for WHEN USB DEVICE CONNECTS and I can setup a custom automation for CUSTOM MENUBAR ITEM, but can't seem to connect them?

Additionally, if someone is a genius - would love to be able to have the USB DEVICE connected trigger, be specific to an actual DRIVE, and not just a USB connection in general. As it seems currently, its set to detect when something physically connects into the port. (I am guessing its under the advanced settings where I can find the VENDOR ID / SERIAL for the device connected, but this just means mapping out every single drive I have now, and in future, versus a clean future-proof solution that always shows when a DRIVE is connected.

Alright, thats all - thanks in advance! :grin:

After posting this and reading I realise it likely begs the question... why would you possibly want something so specific, just open finder, and press eject :rofl:

It's for when moving between office locations / work sites where connecting to a drive and I sometimes will pack up to leave, then disconnect my laptop from docking stations / external monitors and won't realise they had drives connected, thus getting "eject" warnings for not safely ejecting, and i am aware with spinning hard drives that this could be harmful if reading/writing at time of ejecting.