Plenty of stuff. The "original" widget didn't work?
No. When i pasted the original in the output after compiling and running was only: โ โ
When i looked for where it came from, it appears to be bc some part of the code doesnโt return โyeetโ
I haven't been following this closely, just a little note:
BTT 3.216 Alpha adds a few bluetooth predefined actions:
- Connect Bluetooth Device
- Disconnect Bluetooth Device
- Toggle Bluetooth Device
These allow to connect to arbitrary bluetooth devices including the Airpods. Might be faster than the apple script solution.
I also added a dynamic variable that let's you know about the current connection state:
It starts with BluetoothConnectionState- and then takes either the bluetooth address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx) or the name of the device (wildcards * are allowed)
tell application "BetterTouchTool"
get_number_variable "BluetoothConnectionState-*Pods*"
end tell
I hate you for the work it gives me, but love you for the possibilities you give us!! I'm definitely gonna check this out on a closer look!!!!! Thanks a lot!!!!
This is awesome! Will be redoing my bluetooth connect widgets now
Is there a variable for the list of bluetooth devices? A bluetooth picker in the TouchBar would be great
currently not, but would be possible (for that I should add something like a "get_list_variable" function)
also not related but kinda: could we have these bluetooth actions but for airplay?
I have a little something I'm having trouble getting to work:
@Andreas_Hegenberg This is a great addition and works great. This is a big improvement, just finished re coding my AirPod menu widgets. Great work, thanks for listening to us.
Can you share it!?
If anyone is interested, here's a battery-checking code I wrote that is much easier to read, and it works for me.
use framework "IOBluetooth"
use scripting additions
set deviceList to current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices()
set devNames to (deviceList's valueForKey:"name") as list
set devStatus to (deviceList's valueForKey:"connected") as list
set devAddress to (deviceList's valueForKey:"addressString") as list
tell application "BetterTouchTool" to set AirPodsName to get_string_variable "AirPodsWg_DevceName"
if devNames contains AirPodsName then
--Device is found
repeat with i from 1 to count devNames
if (item i of devNames) = AirPodsName then
--Get index of AirPods in the list and save connection status and MAC address value
set connectValue to item i of devStatus
set MAC_addr to item i of devAddress
if connectValue = 1 then
--Connected, get battery info using built-in tool "PlistBuddy"
set BatteryLeft to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"print :DeviceCache:" & MAC_addr & ":BatteryPercentLeft\" /Library/Preferences/"
set BatteryRight to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"print :DeviceCache:" & MAC_addr & ":BatteryPercentRight\" /Library/Preferences/"
return BatteryLeft & "%
" & BatteryRight & "%"
--Not connected
return "NC"
end if
end if
end repeat
--Device not found
return "NC"
end if
There is a line in the previously published code that could cause some bugs:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "name:"
We should always save old delimiters first, and reset the delimiters when we finish, otherwise, you might get unexpected results, such as in set a to List as text
Late to the game, just got airpods Could you post your changes? I like how clean yours looks and seems to be the most up-to-date.
If you could post an isolated preset with your presets widgets I can put them for download up the top page.
Who has the best one tho?
Is it possible to make the icon automatically change for the different types? Again, I don't own AirPods of any kind so it's a little hard for me to test this stuff.
Do you mean upload .bttpreset file?
As for automatically change airpods icon based on the model, it's possible!!
There is a key-value pair in called ProductID, which uniquely identifies the product. The screenshot below shows all the information you can get, VendorID and ProductID uniquely determines a product, in my case, 76 stands for Apple, and 8206 stands for AirPods Pro.
Below shows an example code, you can do all the artwork or optimizations.
use framework "IOBluetooth"
use scripting additions
set deviceList to current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices()
set devNames to (deviceList's valueForKey:"name") as list
set devStatus to (deviceList's valueForKey:"connected") as list
set devAddress to (deviceList's valueForKey:"addressString") as list
--Add AirPods base64 iconData here, add new line if newer model is released.
set airpods_iconData to "emmm"
set airpods_pro_iconData to "emmm_pro"
--Set default icon and battery info to make the code more tidy
set batteryText to formatValue("0", "๐
") & "
" & formatValue("0", "๐
set currentModelIcon to airpods_iconData
tell application "BetterTouchTool" to set AirPodsName to get_string_variable "AirPodsWg_DevceName"
if devNames contains AirPodsName then
--Device is found
repeat with i from 1 to count devNames
if (item i of devNames) = AirPodsName then
--Get index of AirPods in the list and save connection status and MAC address value
set connectValue to item i of devStatus
set MAC_addr to item i of devAddress
if connectValue = 1 then
--Connected, update battery info using built-in tool "PlistBuddy"
set BatteryLeft to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"print :DeviceCache:" & MAC_addr & ":BatteryPercentLeft\" /Library/Preferences/"
set BatteryRight to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"print :DeviceCache:" & MAC_addr & ":BatteryPercentRight\" /Library/Preferences/"
set ProductID to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"print :DeviceCache:" & MAC_addr & ":ProductID\" /Library/Preferences/"
set batteryText to formatValue(BatteryLeft, "๐
") & "
" & formatValue(BatteryRight, "๐
--set corresponding icon based on product id, I ignored vendorID for simplicity
if ProductID = "8206" then
--AirPods Pro
set currentModelIcon to airpods_pro_iconData
--else if ProductID = "xxxx" then --Add product ID of new model here
--set currentModelIcon to newModel_iconData
--Default model: AirPods
set currentModelIcon to airpods_iconData
end if
end if
--return to break repeat loop
return jsonData(currentModelIcon, batteryText)
end if
end repeat
--Device not found, return default data
return jsonData(currentModelIcon, batteryText)
end if
--Adding utf icon and % character
on formatValue(BatteryLevel, prefix)
if BatteryLevel = "0" then
--If one of AirPods is in the case, battery would be 0
return prefix & "NC"
return prefix & BatteryLevel & "%"
end if
end formatValue
--Format into json data that BTT can recognize
on jsonData(icon, batteryInfo)
return "{\"text\":\"" & batteryInfo & "\", \"icon_data\": \"" & icon & "\", \"background_color\": \"47,55,65,255\"}"
end jsonData
For the battery of the case, you can actually get the data from that plist, but it is only available when you open the case and it became 0 if the case is closed. My thought is to create another button to display the case battery, and we must update the case battery manually by long-press or whatever.
@K2DesignLab Can you share your thoughts?
Would be great if you two could get some .bttpreset up!
Is there a download for this widget for general users, or is it still currently under development?
There is a download up top but I'm not sure how well it works on catalina. @K2DesignLab and @Noon_Chen seem to have something new cooking though.
Maybe this one. I encountered some trouble though depending on the AirPods used (1st, 2nd Gen / AirPods Pro). What are you interested in?