If I execute "Edit screenshot" and then on the new windows instead of "Done" or "Cancel", ESC is pressed, the window is hidden, but then the clipboard manger is not hidden if clicked outside (option is checked in the configuration), nor if copy/paste a selection.
The workaround is to execute "Edit Screenshot" and click "Done" (does not work with "Cancel"). Just for reference here are my clipboard settings:
This is the intended standard behavior (I use this a lot to annotate screenshots and paste them afterwards). What would be your use case for editing and directly closing the clipboard manager? Or would you like it to immediately paste after editing?
I think the bug here is that escape should act as "Cancel" (), but it is not.
Let say I make some annotations, and I hit ESC, which is prompting me "Do you want to save the changes made to this attachment?", if I hit escape on that it is acting as "Cancel" for that specific operation, but if I hit ESC again, it is simply closing the editing window, however the clipboard manager does not act as it should - close on click outside OR close after copy/paste - like it has some unfinished process or something...
Even without making any changes if I simply "Edit Image" and then click on "Cancel", it starts misbehaving again, but I just want to cancel that operation for reason X, e.g. decided that screenshot is not good enough.