Circular scrolling for trackpad (like iPod clickwheel)

This undeservedly forgotten feature allows the user to start a gesture from any edge of touchpad, and then move finger in circle way across all the touchpad to scroll the document – something similar to the classic iPod's scroll.

Here's really old but gold video illustrating the feature:

This method has one huge advantage over repeatedly requested side edge scroll, which is – scroll is not limited by the physical size of the trackpad, which means the user could scroll continuously using only one finger.

In modern systems, from what I've found, this feature is only implemented in KDE Plasma (Linux), and in this small utility for Windows 10.


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vote, really need this feature.

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Also called ChiralScrolling™ (by Synaptics Inc.) or spiral scrolling. Been around for nearly 2 decades. It is one feature I often look for when buying a new laptop. HP and Lenovo seem to be the most prominent users of this, but only on select models.

Would be awesome to bring this to the Mac.

Here is another video demoing it:

Even on Windows laptops, this seems to be disappearing BUT here are a couple of utils developed for Windows to implement this more universally:

Yet another video demoing it: TouchPad Gesture: ChiralScroll™ for vertical scrolling on Vimeo

And another util developed for Windows to implement this more universally:

BTW, can another Tag be created for Scrolling to add to this thread?

(I'm new here so do not know what it takes to do this).