This is a simple problem. I have created and inserted a secret key from openAI hoping to use gpt-4. But when I use it, I get a "(null)" response when attempting to trigger the shortcut. For example, I have highlighted the text: "what is the capitol of Vermont?" and it responds "(null)", inserting the response after the selected text.
What is the capitol of Vermont?
Don't know what else I can change to fix this.
Help please! thank you!
I had the same problem. In my case, the cause was that I had not entered the official model name in the "model/identifier" field of the settings. When I entered the official name "gpt-4-0125-preview" again, it started working. I hope this information is helpful.
Hey there @Andreas_Hegenberg. I'm still having this issue. I have the specific model name inserted, as well as the api key. Still returning (null). I'd appreciate any other advice. Thank you!