ChatGPT transform & replace selection not working with custom API

This is a simple problem. I have created and inserted a secret key from openAI hoping to use gpt-4. But when I use it, I get a "(null)" response when attempting to trigger the shortcut. For example, I have highlighted the text: "what is the capitol of Vermont?" and it responds "(null)", inserting the response after the selected text.

What is the capitol of Vermont?


Don't know what else I can change to fix this.
Help please! thank you!

which version of BTT are you running? (there was a recent fix related to custom models)

Let's see... 4.361 (43610). Just updated. And I'll reboot the computer now too. We'll see if one of those things works.

Nope. Still giving me (null).
Thanks for your help, @Andreas_Hegenberg.

I had the same problem. In my case, the cause was that I had not entered the official model name in the "model/identifier" field of the settings. When I entered the official name "gpt-4-0125-preview" again, it started working. I hope this information is helpful.

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Hey there @Andreas_Hegenberg. I'm still having this issue. I have the specific model name inserted, as well as the api key. Still returning (null). I'd appreciate any other advice. Thank you!