Caps Lock Reliability as Hyper Key


I just realized that I can use Caps Lock as a Hyper Key directly in BTT without needing Karabiner or the Hyper Key app. However, with those two, it works reliably, while the BTT setup does not.

Shortcuts mapped to the Hyper Key sometimes don’t respond immediately, requiring a second or third try. Also, the LED on the Caps Lock key often blinks when pressed, which doesn’t happen with Karabiner or the Hyper Key app.

Does anyone know what might be causing this or how to set it up differently? I have the "Process Priority Helper Tool" installed and active, but it hasn’t made a difference. Thanks.

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Hmm, it sounds like this problem is old and still unresolved. :confused:

are you using BTT‘s hyperkey with shortcuts defined in BTT or are you trying to trigger shortcuts outside of BTT‘s control? (it is i
only made for shortcuts defined in BTT)

The green light is expected but should not cause issues

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Both, some shortcuts are defined in BTT, while others are in different apps. However, even the ones set up in BTT don’t respond consistently.

For me it is working without issues. Maybe just in case check this:

Which version are you using?

This works flawlessly for me and many others. But there have always been users for whom this is not the case. Just use right control.

Do you still have Karabiner active maybe? I think it could conflict with BTT's hyper key implementation.

However @Frank1 s suggestion of remapping capslock to right-ctrl in system settings => keyboard and using that in the shortcuts is usually a very solid workaround.

The "real" workaround comes from BTT, because it can distinguish the left and right modifiers :slightly_smiling_face:

xidiot: I've tried version 4.910 and 4.926. Settings is like yours.

Andreas: No, I don’t have Karabiner anymore; I’ve defined the hyperkey solely in BTT. If I remap Caps Lock to Right Ctrl, won’t it conflict with shortcuts in apps that can’t differentiate between left and right modifiers?

Could BTT use something like F13 or higher as a modifier instead? Those keys aren’t typically used for anything.

as long as you define the right-ctrl shortcuts in BTT, they won't reach other apps as BTT catches them first. So there is no conflict.
BTT can not use normal keys as modifiers.

What kind of keyboard are you using? I think maybe non-apple keyboards don't work well with BTT's approach to hyperkey

Unfortunately, the keyboard doesn’t matter. It behaves the same on the built-in MacBook Air keyboard and the external Logitech MX Keys.

If you want, you can probably use F13 to block the keyboard and set up a shortcut this way. F13 would not be a “modifier” but the handling would be the same. F13 + letter.

Hmm, now that I think about it, I really do need a proper hyperkey since it’s the only thing that will work across all applications, not just in BTT. It’s frustrating, though. I don’t want to use something as complex as Karabiner just to remap Caps Lock. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

You can always catch the e.g. right-ctrl shortcut in BTT and send another shortcut to a specific app in response

I also purchased recently in offer, a bit disappointed, I don't know how multitouch work without hiccup, btw you can use hyperkey from

Do you mean Hyperkey from Ryan Hanson?

I’ve tried it, and it works, but I’d really like to keep all my keyboard, trackpad, and mouse settings centralized in BTT. Hopefully, one day I’ll be able to replace even BetterMouse entirely. Though for now, it’s indispensable for Logitech mice. :slight_smile:

Would be great to get some insight on what you use BetterMouse for currently as I'm working on many new mouse related features

How do I set Caps Lock as Right Ctrl, please? When I choose "Right Ctrl Key Down" as the action, it doesn’t work the way I want. And I don’t see an option like "Act like a Right Ctrl."

Otherwise, BetterMouse is mainly important for:

  • DPI and cursor acceleration settings
  • Scroll wheel customization (smooth scroll, hi-res wheel, ratchet mode)
  • Advanced shortcuts (e.g., two buttons at once, button + wheel)

The scroll wheel configuration is a very specific feature for certain Logitech mice (or possibly Razer and other brands) that have a free-spinning mode. It might be difficult to integrate this into a more universal app like BTT.

That can be done in System Settings => Keyboard => Keyboard Shortcuts => Modifiers

Thanks, I’ll try to work with that, it might be better to use a workaround like this than to install additional apps. So, the system setting turns Caps Lock into Ctrl, and BTT interprets it as Right Ctrl? I didn’t know that.

By the way, I can’t judge reliability just yet, but the LED on Caps Lock doesn’t blink when pressed, which seems like a good sign.