Getting this on 3.553 and Big Sur 11.2.2. Sorry it's not the alpha but I don't think this has been a reported-and-fixed error since I can't see it anywhere.
The above video shows me trying (and failing) to do Hyper+A.
As you can see, holding down caps lock firstly causes the hyper keys to "blink" rapidly a bit. Then, when the A key is pressed, even though I continue to hold down caps lock, the hyper keys automatically release.
I've used the default settings for both the caps lock keyboard action & the hyper trigger, as you can see below:
seems to work fine on my m1 mbp, however note that the BTT hyper key works best with shortcuts defined in BTT, other apps might not pick up the modifier keys correctly in some situations.
@Andreas_Hegenberg I am failing to get it to trigger shortcuts within BTT, that's what I want to use it for. What version of macOS and BTT are you using in which it's working?
Karabiner is finally well supported on the latest stable release of big sur, so I now just use that for caps lock -> hyper, and that then works fine with BTT