I am migrating from an Intel MacBook Pro to an M1 MacBook Pro and have copied the backup file over but am unable to select the file from the restore screen. Under Help I'm selecting Restore Settings from Backup, which brings up a screen to Select Settings Backup to restore. The dropdown menu does not work and I'm unable to paste anything onto the field. Any help would be appreciated. Is there another way to restore the backup file? Thank you.
what do you mean by backup file? Did you export your preset? If so you can import it again using the presets menu „import“ button
I was referring to the backup file in the following folder.
~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool
I just did an import from the Preset:Default tab and now I see all my triggers so I'm all set, thank you.
It's not clear what the "Select Settings Backup to restore" is for under the Help menu.