BUG? Minimize pinned windows

Windows pinned with BTT cannot be minimized. The window pretends to disappear in the dock, but it comes back immediately. Is this a bug?

At least for me, this is not a bug, but work as designed (or at least this is how I would also implemented it). I think this is the one of them main point for "pinned" windows.

Hi @xidiot Interesting consideration, but not comprehensible. The window is pinned when it is visible. When minimized, the window is not visible. So why should it be pinned?

I would use the same logic as xidiot, but I understand that it might also be useful to not pin minimized windows. I'm not yet sure whether I can easily add this, as I currently don't monitor when a window has been minimized

If you can manage that, that would be good. It's one more feature that's useful. Whatever logic you use. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Andreas_Hegenberg May I ask if you've had a chance to look at this?

The idea would be to be able to minimize a pinned window. And when it is unminimized again, it is still pinned.