Bug in Advanced Conditions?

I'm using the latest alpha version of BTT and am still running into this issue.

Whenever I'm using an Advanced Condition of current_weekday and put in 7 for Saturday, it says it's currently false even though today is Saturday? I have tried many other numbers and cannot get any to say the current_weekday is true.

I want something to run an automation if I open an app on Saturday, vs opening it on any other day except Saturday. So it worked (currently true) if I say run whenever it's "NOT" Saturday, but yeah. Also, yes, my Computer's time is correct and it's 4:16 PM Pacific time in the USA on Saturday, March 16, 2024. :slight_smile:


Device information:

  • Type of Mac: 2019 Mac Pro
  • macOS version: MacOS 14.4 Sonoma
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.448 (44480)

that sounds like a bug, I‘ll look into it tomorrow!

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I just tried on my Mac Studio with MacOS 14.4 and BetterTouchTool version 4.449 (44490) and it still has the same issue.

this should be resolved in 4.450

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