Bug in 3.607 - Menubar icons not showing

After updating to 3.607, the "double click menu bar" trigger is not working. I had this action which would show/hide the menu bar icons to the left of BTT's icon (by expanding). Now the double click menu bar is not working and is hiding all the icons to its left by always. So I have to quit BTT to see the menu bar icons

macOS Monterey
MBP 2019

FYI @Andreas_Hegenberg

EDIT: I also noticed that in "User Interface" settings, I uncheck and re-checked "Show Menu bar icon", but it is not showing up anymore and I cannot hide the menu bar icon now for some reason.

Thanks for reporting! I was able to reproduce & fix this. 3.608 will be available in 10 minutes here: Index of /releases

Wow! That's super fast! You are the best @Andreas_Hegenberg !!