BTT TouchBar only showing when Preset Window is open.


My first problem with BTT: Since 2.717 and 10.14.4, my configured TouchBar is only showing when the BTT Settings Window open. Otherwise, i do only have the normal OS X Touchbar.

Have you any idea where the problem might be?

I changed nothing, to my knowledge, i, the BTT settings.

Thanks for any hint


How do your Touch Bar settings in System Preferences => Keyboard look like?
It should be something like this:

Hello Andreas,

Unfortunately, it's identical (mine in french)

Then probably something is wrong with your BTT settings.

Maybe you have some app specific overrides?

Could you post a screenshot of your setup?

Sorry for my late answer.
After disabling the BTT Touchbar support and reactivating it, each time with BTT restart, the function has come to normal. :smile:
Nothing has changed visualy in preferences.